N a t u r n o v a

​About Naturnova and our cooperations

Naturnova is a dynamic network comprising agricultural producers, agronomists, and industry professionals.

Our mission is clear: to usher in innovation across agricultural inputs and agricultural business models. At Naturnova, we comprehensively support the agricultural system, ensuring a robust and eco-friendly approach to farming.

We are at the forefront of introducing revolutionary agricultural inputs: B. Velezensis, B. Extorquens, P. Bilaiae, B. Subtilis, B. Pumilus, P. Lilacinum, Enterobacter, Enterococcus and Azotobacter are all microorganisms that have recently gained attention for their potential to promote sustainable agriculture.
With the potential to revolutionize sustainable agriculture, they exhibit a wide range of beneficial effects on plants and soil, including soil rejuvenation, growth promotion, biocontrol, stress tolerance, biostimulation,
N fixation and P solution, carbon sequestration and nutrients recycling.

The transition from controlled laboratory studies to field trials underscores the practical implications of these microorganisms. Demonstrated capabilities include enhancement of crop yields, improvement of abiotic resistance and reduction of needed chemical fertilizers and pesticides, favoring sustainable and circular farming.

As trials results are unveiling the transformative potential of these untapped microorganism resources, Naturnova would appreciate being among your partners, empowering and possibly shaping the future of global agriculture.

We see nature differently, and provide agricultural solutions rarely seen on the market, yet backed up by researches from all over the world. We approach agriculture in its entirety, learning from different industries, and providing solutions to support agro activities from different point of views.

About Naturnova founder

Our founder Luca, Italian entrepreneur living and working in China/Apac area since 2010, is passionate about innovations in healthcare and agriculture. He mastered the balance between Italian quality and Chinese/developing countries efficiency, and cherishes all connections built so far in the import / export business.

He's stuck in China with the most inconsistent "Chinese filtered" internet that has ever been experienced. It's the substantiation of mindfulness, the invitation to a million moments paused in the belligerent now. He will pick up with you as soon as possible! Your emails will be his favourite to respond to , with love and favoritism :D

Luca Buzzotta

CEO & founder.

They say about us


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Most of times, yes! But let us know what you’re using, and the status of your crops. For example, We dont’ want to match fungicides or bactericidal products with Naturnova organic micro-organisms! It’s double waste in one move

Naturnova mainly follows two channels, using its nearest available warehouse in China, India, Italy,Brazil or Spain.
– Samples / retail orders: Door to door shipment.
– Wholesale : Usually FOB or CIF terms

Naturnova is a network of agricultural inputs producers, professionals, agronomists and scientists; we work with industries, importers, exporters,distributors and sometimes big scale final users.

Naturnova thrives on mutually beneficial export partnerships, and is always looking for exporters of innovative solutions too.

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